Maxillofacial Prosthetics

Maxillofacial prosthetics is that branch of Prosthodontics that deals with the restoration of missing parts of the face with artificial replacements.
It includes four main branches:

facial prostheses

Facial prostheses

Concerned with replacement of missing or defective parts of the face with artificial replacements mainly directed towards improving appearance.

intraoral restorations

Intraoral Restorations

Concerned with replacement of missing or defective parts of the mouth (upper or lower jaws and associated structures) with artificial replacements that aid in restoring function (chewing), appearance and speech.

combined intraoral

Combined Intraoral And Extraoral Restorations

Concerned with replacement of defects including intraoral and facial structures with artificial prostheses aiming to restore appearance, speech and function (chewing).

somato prostheses

Somato Prostheses

Which mainly involves restoring missing fingers with artificial ones.